2022 |
Permaculture Design Course (Pachamama, Knysna, 2020)
AgroForestry Workshop (Rondevlei, Wilderness, 2022)
EcoVillage Design Workshop (Thlolego EcoVillage & Learning Centre, Rustenburg, 2022) |
During the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown period I've attended three courses and workshops focused on the practice of permaculture. During this time I've been lucky enough to have been taught by Alex Kruger (legendary PDC facilitator & seed activist), Kate Curtis (greenhearted.net), Christopher Nash (pachamama.co.za), and Casparo Brown (The Wandering Wild School). The overall aim is to invest my experience and skills in environmental activism in how it intersects with human and animal rights issues.
These experiences build on the Greenpop treeplanting festival and animal communications workshop in 2019 & 2017. |
2021 |
Johannesburg Art Gallery |
Sharlene Khan invited me in as part of a multimedia team under her direction in collaboration with fellow visual artist Mokgabudi Amos Letsoalo. Starting out as the animator and digital tech support for the multimedia installation Post-Apartheid Guernica at JAG, the project became overwhelming and I ended up having to focus all my energy and attention on the projected animations on the front and back walls of the installation - unable to meet several deadlines and barely making the final one. The experience soured our friendship and highlighted all the ways in which the arts industry and its institutions are failing to support and nurture their visual arts community. I loved working with Sharlene and Amos, but the experience reminded me of why I walked away from academia and the gallery system. Visual arts academics and pratictioners are over worked, under paid, under resourced and treated shabbily by the insitutions that benefit from their invaluable creative and intellectual labour. |
EarthDrawn Media Productions |
In collaboration with graphic harvesting artist Claire Rousell. A collaboration between our respective projects 'Stories of Seeds' and 'kindEarth_intentions'. Claire and I have combined our skillsets and activisms to co-found EarthDrawn Media Productions which focuses on graphic harvesting video and film productions that address the issues we care about. Visit our website at EarthDrawnMedia.org.za. |
2020 |
Online Turbine Art Fair |
Another fantastic opportunity to work with the amazing Dr Shalene Khan on her virtual gallery installation 'I Make Art' for 'A New World Order' online exhibition curated by Johan Thom. Thanks to 3D we were able to resurrect the 1980s Sony TV sets used by video installation artists. Built in Blender with the help of Photoshop and Premiere. I had the privilege of teaching with Sharlene many years ago, a fearless voice and activist - enormous respect and gratitude to be able to work with her. |
Online National Arts Festival |
A fantastic opportunity to work with internationally respected performance artist and activist Mamela Nyamza on her National Arts Festival performance protest art film, Pest Control. We spent ten days filming in parking lots and nature spaces around Pretoria, spending the last two days at the Market Theatre in Johannesburg. I participated as a digital media creative using my film-making and editing skills. It helped that both of us have long careers in creative projects, a wonderful and once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and experience. |
Myopia |
An online exhibition at the William Humphreys Art Gallery in Kimberley. 'Ich bin über alles' is a digital artwork in response to a series by Namibian-born London-based artist Max Siedentopf called 'How to survive a deadly global virus'. |
#Im4theArts |
After years of frustration and abuse artists are finally rising up to protest corruption and incompetence in the creative industries sector as the #Im4theArts protest movement. I worked in the space as a media activist. |
Sharp# |
After a disappointing experience with the Women Forward political party and the Independent Electoral Commission during the 2019 elections, I've decided to focus my efforts on a political movement rising up across the world in response to rampant capitalism and corrupt governance. Sharp# is an EcoSocialist movement attempting to address social and environmental inequities. |
2019 |
Pan Africa ILGA |
Pan Africa ILGA (PAI) is the African region of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA). It gathers over 150 organizations throughout the Region working for human rights and equality for LGBTIQ+ people. Website hosting & development. |
Rise Up Against Gender Based Violence |
#SandtonShutdown documentation and InternationAl Day of Femicide announcement in collaboration with Mandisa Khanyile and the Rise Up team. |
The Archive : Amabali Wethu |
The Archive: Amabali Wethu is an organisation that aims to cultivate a practice of dialogue that broadens our understanding of gender-based violence (GBV) and recovery through curatorial and creative archival work. Website hosting & development support. |
#SandtonShutdown |
A follow-up The Real Black Friday protest in the financial district of Johannesburg calling on the corporate sector to deal with gender-based violence and 'fund the fight' after goverment cited a 'lack of funds' in implementing the #24Demands handed over during #TheTotalShutdown march in Pretoria on 01 August 2018. I was recruited by Rise-Up Against Gender Based Violence (Mandisa Khanyile) to document the protest. |
Vavasati Initiative |
inequality!!! seizing the megaphone was the theme of this year's Vavasati International Women's Festival at the South African State Theatre, once again a groundbreaking moment under the curatorship of Mamela Nyamza (Deputy Artistic Director) and Kgaogelo Tshabalala (Misskay, independent performance artist). The curators insisted that the festival be run by wom_n, staged by wom_n, and managed by wom_n. As the person documenting the festival, the end-result was palpable. This festival presented a definitive and unapologetic challenge to a predominantly male run and acknowledged industry. In support of the festival I started the Vavasati Initiative in collaboration with academic researcher Dr Akhona Ndzuta, inviting wom_n academics, artists, writers, media activists, journalists and marketers to step forward and support the festival with their networks and skills. Once again I used my documenting skills and captured the majority of productions from 2 August to 31 August 2019. |
Greenpop Eden Festival of Action |
Greenpop focuses on rehabilitating indigenous forests and ecosystems in an environmentally friendly and educational way. I participated in their annual treeplanting festival which focuses on regions decimated by runaway wild fires. A week-long programme of workshops, community engagements, nature outings and tree-planting efforts in the Garden Route region. During this particular effort 5000 trees were planted and 3000m2 of alien vegetation was selectively cleared in Nature's Valley. The festival consists of three weeks of differently aged volunteer groups - juniors, teenagers and adults. |
Dance Umbrella Africa |
Dance Umbrella Africa came to the South African State Theatre under the guardianship & curatorship of Mamela Nyamza in her new role as Deputy Artistic Director, heralding in a new era and lease of life for the festival. When I found out Mamela was heading to my city, I stepped forward with my camera to document the groundbreaking 2019 festival from 31 March to 7 April. |
2018 |
16 / 365 Days of Street Theatre |
16/365 Days of Street Theatre in collaboration with Mamela Nyamza (Deputy Artistic Director, South African State Theatre) and Selogadi Mampane (independent performance artist & activst) as part of #TheTotalShutdown intersectional wom_n's protest movement against gender-based violence. |
Water Catcher |
Water Catcher is another animation project in collaboration with Anni Snyman, Eugenie Grobler and katty vandenberghe (myself). This time we are looking at the Cape Town water shortage crises, collaborating with a project aimed at preserving and protecting a local underground freshwater aquifer that is in danger of being flooded with unpotable seawater as sea levels rise due to climate change. |
#TheTotalShutdown |
The total Shutdown is a feminist activist movement aimed at addressing South African governmental, legal, policing and administrative institutions for failing to address gender-based violence against women and gender non-conforming individuals. Ongoing escalations of violence have provoked a powerful response across the region, including South Africa's neighbouring countries. Marches took place on 01 August 2018, the beginning of Women's Month, as a protest against the token 'all talk no action' events that take place each year, particularly the celebrated Women's March of 1956 on 9 August. The movement is founded on a list of 24 demands, one for each year since the ANC took over the reigns of power from the apartheid government in 1994. This intersectional movement consists of women from all walks of life, races, classes and gender non-conforming backgrounds, and marks another landmark event in the women's movement. It's mandate is to see to it that the 24 demands are carried out.
I am participating as a media activist, artist and gender non-conforming black consciousness eco-feminist. |
2017 |
PSAFF: Perth South African (Joziwood) Film Festival |
SMOKE GETS IN YOUR EYEs selected for viewing at the Joziwood film festival in Perth, Australia.
"Joziwood mainly supports outstanding and creative stories from South African content creators that have not received deserved exposure outside South Africa. PSAFF considers narrative, documentary and animated short films (30 min and less), long format films (60-150min) and in multiple genres from around the world, as long as there is a theme of South African culture, locations, language..." |
Animal Communications Course |
At Bodhi Khaya buddhist retreat in the Western Cape with renowned animal communications expert Anna Breytenbach. I attended as an activist and a creative in the hope of finding a way to bridge our human animal souls back to the life-force we've disassociated ourselves from. |
2016 |
Masithandane End Hate Crimes Collective |
An LGBTI+ activist movement initiated by Phumi Mtetwa and Bev Ditsie in respone to the alarming rate of black lesbian, transgender and gay murders in South Africa - associated with an alarming femicide rate. Masithandane End Hate Crimes Collective. |
New Heritage Gallery group exhibition, Cape Town |
'3-for-1' family exhibition with Anni Snyman, PC Janse van Rensburg & Talitha Els. First Kiss animation & print collaborations with Anni Snyman. |
TOFF ~ Twisted Oyster Film Festival short film & video exhibition |
SMOKE GETS IN YOUR EYEs officially selected for exhibition at the Twisted Oyster Film Festival.
"The Twisted Oyster Film Festival is a short film and video art exhibition presented by Kinetic Art Projects and Pia Cruzalegui in Chicago, IL., USA.
The focus of Twisted Oyster is to highlight independent, experimental short films and video art produced by auteurs from around the globe. Works that will engage diverse audiences on a range of aesthetic and content.
This year the Film Festival takes place November 18, 2016 – December 2, 2016 and celebrates the creative outlet of filmmakers who want to share a story. The films we present are relevant to our community and address some of our most current, critical challenges and also provoke reasons for hope and optimism." |
Music video animation |
Die Laaste Afdraai is an animation project currently in production for local musician Eugenie Grobler. It is the fifth animation project by visual artist and illustrator Anni Snyman and digital multimedia artist katty vandenberghe. Eugenie has participated in two of their previous animation projects for the South African Filmverse poetry + animation compilations. |
Global Nomadic Art Project |
Stories of Rain is part of an international art project traveling the globe as land and nature artists follow the nomadic routes of our ancestors, performing land and nature artworks along the way. Hosted by the Site_Specific Collective. |
Karoo Geoglyphs |
The Riverine Rabbit Thinking Path is our second permanent land art drawing created as a walking path (meander) and referred to as a geoglyph. Designed and conceptualised by sister and brother team Anni Snyman and PC Janse van Rensburg. A Site_Specific Collective project. |
JOZI Land Art |
Land art animations with Anni Snyman (Watching the Sun), Gordon Froud (remembering how we Breathe) and Ubuhle Bobuntu (!Giant insects!). A Site_Specific Collective project. |
kindEarth_intentions |
kindEarth_intentions is a media project born out of a need to engage initiatives that focus on reconnecting and realigning our lost relationship with nature. Follow kindEarth_intentions on flipboard. With life and business partner Tanya Pretorius. |
ATKV Filmverse 2 |
SMOKE GETS IN YOUR EYEs by Joan Hambidge is the poem we animated for this project. After the success of our first attempt, 'Die Eerste Soen', Anni Snyman and myself have been invited back into the second leg of this wonderful poetry + animation project artistically directed by Diek Grobler and funded by the Afrikaans Taal & Kuns Vereeniging under the nurturing eye of Nita Cronjé. Once again we are privileged to have Eugenie Grobler arranging our soundtrack, putting the words of the poem to music. |
Cool Capital Guerrilla Biennale 2014 Catalogue |
2015 |
CATALOGue Part of the design team and completing the inside layout, typesetting, typography and image curation. 'The first uncurated guerrilla biennale in the world' resulted in the participation of over 150 projects delivering a catalogue of over 265 pages of photography plus text. Edited by Peter J. Mathews, the originator of Cool Capital, and it's co-ordinator, Carla Taljaard. |
KROK Animated Films Festival |
FilmVerse animation 'Die Eerste Soen' selected to compete at the KROK Animated Films Festival in September 2015. Invited to attend as director. In collaboration with Anni Snyman (visuals), Eugenie Grobler (music) and Diek Grobler (overall artistic director). Sponsored by the ATKV with special thanks to Nita Cronjé. |
2014 |
ATKV Filmverse 1 |
Filmverse Selected as one of 12 sets of animators to animate a series of popular Afrikaans poems. In collaboration with Anni Snyman (visuals), Eugenie Grobler (musical score), Johann Kotze (sound engineer), Danie Marais (poet), Diek Grobler (overall creative director) and Fopspeen (DVD compilation). The Filmverse project is directed by Diek Grobler and sponsored by the ATKV. |
Site_Specific Karoo Geoglyphs Project |
Snake Eagle Thinking Path, Anni Snyman's first permanent geoglyph after working on the project since 2009. Matjiesfontein. Team participant and documentation. |
Site_Specific / Cool Capital |
ENVIRONMENTAL ART PROJECT ran from 28 June to 28 August as a precursor to the Pretoria based Cool Capital event. Project co-ordinator. |
Site_Specific JOZI Land Art |
JOZI Land Art event, Site_Specific's first urban-based land art event at the Johannesburg Botanical Garden in Emmarentia. I acted as project assistant and web media co-ordinator. |
2013 |
University of Johannesburg THATSOGAY arts festival |
Critically Queer curated by Jabu Pereira. I participated as part of the Iranti-org team with a video installation on the experiences of Malawian trans woman Tiwonge Chimbalanga, directed by Jabu Chen Pereira. |
Site_Specific @ Aardklop |
EXHIBITION audio video compilation & social media campaign. A documentation of our 2013 International Land Art Biennale on display. |
Site_Specific 2nd International Land Art Biennale, Plettenberg Bay |
Site_Specific International Land Art Biennale 2013 co-ordinated by Anni Snyman, curated by Strijdom van der Merwe, co-director Heather Greig, community projects co-ordinator Erica Lüttich. I acted as web media co-ordinator and project assistent to Anni Snyman. |
Tree of Knowledge |
Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil IiI by Anni Snyman. Land art project tree installation to address the issue of water scarcity and the threat of fracking in the Karoo. Woordfees festival, Stellenbosch. Participated as a fellow artist in helping erect the installation. Site_Specific web media co-ordinator (social media campaign) for HIERNAMAALS land art exhibition. |
Iranti-org Queer Media |
Iranti-org is an activist NGO project run by Jabu Chen Pereira to document and broadcast visual narratives on pressing issues affecting the LGBTI communities in Africa and South Africa. An alarming escalation in violence against these communities has re-energised the LGBTI activist movement in Africa and around the world. Jabu is part of an incredible network of hard-working activists who tackle and document the horrifying injustices taking place. My partner, Tanya Pretorius, and I have been part of Jabu's project by offering media and training support in web, video, and software. This was accompanied by a brief stint as part of the JoBurg People's Pride movement where I played a similar supportive role in terms of web media. |
Johannesburg People's Pride |
In 2012 the One-in-Nine feminist activist NGO ran the 'No Cause for Celebration' campaign, protesting the lack of action against gender based violence at the ANC-led Women's March, the Soweto Pride March and Johannesburg Gay Pride Parade. At the Gay Pride Parade a conflict ensued between the protestors, the organisers, and their appointed marshalls. What started out as an inexcusable misunderstanding escalated into outright violence as organisers and marshalls physically assaulted the One-in-Nine protestors for disrupting the Gay Pride Parade march. The incident caught media attention and a vociferous debate unfolded on social media platforms. Once the dust settled it became clear that the LGBTI+ community was dvided along apartheid-era lines of race and class. Out of the ashes rose the Johannesburg People's Pride, a mass movement based on ideals that confront the reality that only a small privileged class are protected by the high ideals of South Africa's LGBTI+ friendly constitution.
The most valuable document to come out of this movement after a year of mass meetings and consultation with the larger LGBTI+ community, was the Johannesburg People's Pride manifesto.
I participated as a black consciousness media activist and artist. |
2012 |
Geoglyph Trail |
riverine rabbit geoglyph trail An Anni Snyman land art project initiated to bring attention to the endangered Riverine Rabbit. I participated as a fellow artist to document and bring the project to life on the internet. |
Project (Ero)rrism |
(Ero)rrism by Jabu Perreira. The editing on a short activist art video clip to raise funds for a full length documentary on hate crimes in South Africa. Sensitivity warning: explicit sexual content. |
UNISA Staff Exhibition |
Abduction CMYK A2 digital print, a feminist deconstruction of a Rubens painting in response to violent patriarchy in South Africa.Curated by Lawrence Lemoana. |
trans_end installation |
Roll Call by Majak Bredell - an online reconstruction of the artwork reconstituted as an html installation. |
2011 |
POMP art magazine |
Abduction CMYK A5 magazine print. An article curated by Hardus Koekemoer showcasing artists who revisit 'master' paintings of the classical past in contemporary media and themes. Based on one of Ruben's paintings. |
Save the Rhino Exhibition |
Horny print and animation. Curated by Hardus Koekemoer. An exhibition addressing the alarming rates of poaching on Rhino's in Southern Africa. The Pretoria Zoo and Brooklyn Theatre art galleries. |
2010 |
Valentine's Exhibition |
An Arts Association group exhibition coupling two artists to collaborate on one artwork. Collaboration with Corné Joubert on Love Seasons. |
2009 |
Afrika Burn |
Participated in drawing and documenting the Earth Siren goddess created by Anni Snyman. |
2008 |
NewMediaFest2008 |
An online international exhibition of digital artworks. Anima/Animus is accepted as part of the 4th edition of an exhibition called net.NET IV. Artists represented are A. Andreas (Netherlands), Adam Buczek (UK), J.R. Carpenter (Canada), Ute Hoerner/Matthias Antlfinger (Germany), Juan Patino (Argentina), Katty Vandenberghe/Janine Lewis (South Africa) http://www.janinelewis.com |
Karin Hougaard Solo Exhibition |
In collaboration with Karin Hougaard, using her artwork and video footage as source material, an animation called Lyfskap formed part of an exhibition of paintings and prints in her first solo art exhibition. |
2007 |
trans_end |
trans_end is an ongoing online art project initiated by katty vandenberghe, Anni Snyman and Eugenie Grobler. A virtual collaboration of online art.
http://www.trans-end.org.za |
NewMediaFest2007 |
An online international exhibition of digital artworks. Indigo Boy is accepted as part of the 1st edition of an exhibition called net.NET I. Artists represented were Adele Prince (UK), J.T.Wine (USA), Carlo Sansolo (Brazil), Les Liens Invisibles (Italy), MEZ (Australia), Konstantia Sofokleous (Cyprus), Katty Vandenberghe and Chris Diedericks (South Africa) http://www.chrisdiedericks.co.za/indigoboy/ |
Indigo Boy I Exhibition, Chris Diedericks |
The first of three physical manifestations of an online art collaboration between visual artist Chris Diedericks, and digital artist katty vandenberghe. At the University of Johannesburg art gallery. Curated by Annali Cabano-Dempsey. Included is Hacked!, an animation by katty vandenberghe as commentary on the work represented online through Indigo Boy. |
Flesh! |
Curated by Chris Diedericks and presented in Die Oog art gallery for the Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees 2007. Deep Water installation of the animation and the print series by Anni Snyman. Animated by katty vandenberghe. |
Moving Art Image Festival |
Technical assistant and advisor for a short art film
festival at the University of Johannesburg Art Gallery. In collaboration with UJ Art Gallery curator Annali Cabano-Dempsey and Pretoria animator and artist Diek Grobler. Video works on display included Deep Water, Evanescence, and the Three Woman Portrait. |
Indigo Boy |
Indigo Boy is an online collaboration with Chris Diedericks, and represents the daily process work in preparation for his solo exhibition at the University of Johannesburg in October 2007. http://www.chrisdiedericks.co.za |
2006 |
Memory of Water |
Animator for Deep Water and Evanescence in collaboration with Anni Snyman for her solo art exhibition Memory of Water. University of Johannesburg Art Gallery, 1 - 22 November 2006. Participant in
the live video performance Memory of Water by the performance company, Siety, directed by Janine Lewis. |
Umzansi through the eyes of amadodakazi ayo |
Animation co-ordinator for Rock by Lindiwe Nkutha in collaboration with Imagination Lab and Kingsley College students. |
surviving me |
Performance, The Rostrum Theatre, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria. Multimedia artist for digital projections. Directed by Janine Lewis. |
2005 |
anima/us performance |
The Cullinan/Dinokasie Arts Festival, Cullinan. Website performance of Anima/Animus (www.janinelewis.com) and multimedia artist for live performance. Directed by Janine Lewis. |
ansisters |
Creative Constellation Festival, The Old Fort, Constitution Hill, Johannesburg. Website developer (www.face.org. za), assisting co-ordinator and video artworks: Three Woman Portrait and Sacred Spaces. |
2004 |
UNISA Fourth Year Exhibition |
Art exhibition, UNISA Art Gallery, Pretoria. search:“sense” interactive digital artwork. |
Searching for a Saviour |
Art experience, as part of the Bonolo Botshelo exhibition, Museum Africa, Johannesburg. Ear Island video installation. |
Journey to Freedom |
UNISA centenary celebrations concert, Pretoria. Digital trainer and animator for Woman’s March, Toyi-Toyi Medley and Religious Medley. |
2003 |
New Signatures |
Sasol arts competition, Pretoria Art Museum, selected for exhibition. The Knight video animation. |
Arts Association |
Erotica exhibition, Pretoria. The Room video animation. |
Nedbank/Art Nouveau |
Gay and Lesbian Film Festival art exhibition, Cinema Art Nouveau Rosebank public gallery, Johannesburg. Selected prints from various video works. |
New Channels |
Digital Competition, Johannesburg, inside:outside video animation compilation selected for exhibition. |
2002 |
Vega Staff |
Vega Brand Communications staff exhibition, Johannesburg, Fashion video animation. |
UNISA Multimedia |
UNISA Student and Staff Multimedia and Visual Arts exhibition, Pretoria, Life Cycle video. |
New Channels |
Digital Art Competition, Johannesburg, Life Cycle Shockwave Animation. |